EFN - NEWS Newsletter of EFN Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy 6th October 2004
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EFN on CBC Radio 1 about Point Lepreau's refurbishment
by Bruno Comby
EFN on CBC Radio 1, about Point Lepreau's refurbishment, on October 6th, 2004
of the 635 MW nuclear power plant in Point Lepreau, New Brunswick
(rights reserved)
Dear readers, dear friends of clean nuclear energy,
EFN has participated in a radio interview on CBC RADIO 1 (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). The interview was recorded and aired live with Paul Castle at 7:40 A.M. (New Brunswick time), that is 11:40 A.M. GMT time.
The interview comes in the context of a public debate about the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear Power Plant, a 635 MW nuclear reactor in New Brunswick, which has been producing electricity since 1982.
A coalition of anti-nuclear associations is opposing the refurbishment. But in fact, Point Lepreau is a clean nuclear power plant. It produces large amounts of electricity cleanly, and brings an important contribution to the protection of the environment, both in New Brunswick and for the planet.
EFN is therefore strongly in favor of refurbishing Point Lepreau, because of its environmental benefits.
Renewable energies and energy conservation should be encouraged of course, but these energies can only contribute marginally because they are dilute, inconstant, and produce only small amounts of energy. Unfortunately renewable energies cannot reasonably replace the 600 MW of clean nuclear power needed for New Brunswick which are produced by Point Lepreau. The real choice to be made is not between nuclear energy and renewable energies, but between the fossile energies that contribute heavily to both local pollution and global warming (oil, coal and natural gas) on one side, and clean energies (renewables to a limited extent, and nuclear) on the other.
A power plant such as Point Lepreau avoids the emission of about 2.5 million tons of CO2 in the atmosphere each year.
For environmental reasons, Point Lepreau needs to be refurbished and continue its production, not closed. Otherwise the missing megawatts will be in the future produced by coal or gas, which would be a disaster for the environment, not to speak about the cost for the consumer. Those who pretend to be environmentalists while demanding the closure of Point Lepreau are not helping the planet, they are mis-informed and act in contradiction with their own desire for a cleaner world,. Nuclear energy is the ONLY energy source that is both clean and massively available to produce the energy needed by the New Brunswick population in a CLEAN manner.
EFN and its network of 6000 members and supporters, including Pr James Lovelock, author of the Gaia theory, considered as the grandfather and historical founder of environmental awareness around the world since the 1960's, clearly support the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau Nuclear power plant, and will weigh into the debate.
EFN - Translations into Spanish, German, and other languages
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For a presentation of the book "Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy" (with an introduction by James Lovelock) : click here
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For a presentation of (or to order a sample of) the CD-ROM "Understanding Nuclear Energy" (available in French: "Bien comprendre le nucléaire") : click here
For instructions about how to help us with the translations of EFN's (or IBC's) web site : click here
Bruno Comby, EFN founder and president (http://www.ecolo.org ), is a well known Euorpean environmentalist, the author of 10 books published in 15 languages on healthy living, ecology and energy, including the bestseller "Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy".
EFN - For complete and straightforward information on energy and the environment
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